Library Resources
OverDrive is the leading digital reading platform for libraries and schools worldwide. We are dedicated to creating “a world enlightened by reading” by delivering the industry’s largest catalog of ebooks, audiobooks and other digital media to a growing network of 88,000 libraries and schools in 109 countries.

Explore OverDrive’s eMagazines for Every Reader
Dive into OverDrive’s eMagazine collection, offering a wide range of titles for adults and youth. From the latest in news, culture, and hobbies for adults, to engaging, educational content for young readers, there’s something for everyone. Accessible, convenient, and ready to read on any device, our eMagazines connect you to your interests and the world around you. Discover your next great read with OverDrive!
Free eBooks
Embark on Literary Adventures with Baen’s Free eBooks
Baen brings the universe of science fiction and fantasy right to your fingertips with an exceptional selection of free eBooks. Delve into captivating stories of distant galaxies, mystical realms, and futuristic landscapes, all available at no cost. Our collection showcases a variety of established and emerging authors, offering a gateway to new worlds and thrilling adventures. Whether you’re a lifelong fan or new to the genre, Baen’s free eBooks provide an accessible and exciting reading experience for everyone. Start your journey into the extraordinary with Baen today!
Explore Timeless Treasures with Project Gutenberg’s Free eBooks
Project Gutenberg offers a treasure trove of literary classics and historical texts, all available for free. With a vast collection of over 60,000 eBooks, delve into the works of great authors and explore important documents from various cultures and periods. Our digital library makes these timeless works easily accessible for everyone, fostering a love for reading and learning. Whether you’re a student, researcher, or simply a book lover, Project Gutenberg’s free eBooks are your gateway to the world’s literary heritage. Discover and download your next great read today!
Embark on a World of Imagination with the International Children’s Digital Library
The International Children’s Digital Library opens a world of cultural and educational enrichment for young readers. Featuring a diverse and expansive collection of children’s books from around the globe, it is a gateway to different cultures, languages, and stories. With books available in various languages, it’s an ideal resource for both leisure reading and language learning. The ICDL’s user-friendly interface and vivid, engaging book covers make it easy and fun for children to explore and discover new favorite stories. Perfect for parents, educators, and children, the ICDL is your portal to a world of learning and imagination.
Unlock a Universe of Books with Open Library
Open Library is an open, editable library catalog, akin to a Wikipedia for books. It’s ambitiously building towards a webpage for every book ever published. Whether you’re a casual reader, a student, or a researcher, Open Library provides a rich resource of books across various subjects and authors. Members can contribute new information, corrections, and curate personal book lists. If you’re passionate about reading and knowledge sharing, Open Library is your go-to digital library to explore, discover, and even help build a comprehensive library for everyone.
AZ State Library
Explore Arizona’s Rich Knowledge Base with LibGuides
The Arizona Secretary of State’s LibGuides is a comprehensive resource hub, offering a wide range of guides grouped by type, subject, and owner. Whether you’re a student, researcher, or just curious, these guides provide valuable insights and information across various topics. Perfect for exploring Arizona’s history, culture, and much more, our LibGuides are your gateway to a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips.
Explore the World of Audiobooks with the Arizona Talking Book Library
The Arizona Talking Book Library offers an extensive collection of audiobooks and resources for those who require alternative formats. Catering to readers with visual impairments, physical disabilities, or reading difficulties, our library ensures that everyone has access to the joy of reading. Discover a wide range of genres and titles, from the latest bestsellers to timeless classics, all in audio format. With user-friendly navigation and a commitment to inclusivity, the Arizona Talking Book Library brings stories to life for all readers. Embrace a new way of experiencing books with us today.
Unlock a World of Accessible Reading with Arizona Talking Library’s BARD
Arizona Talking Library’s BARD service revolutionizes reading for individuals with print disabilities. This remarkable platform offers a vast digital collection of audiobooks, braille books, and music scores available for download. Designed with accessibility in mind, BARD allows users to easily access and enjoy a wide range of literature and music. Whether you’re interested in the latest bestsellers, timeless classics, or educational materials, BARD ensures that these resources are just a click away. Join the Arizona Talking Library’s BARD service today and start exploring an inclusive and diverse world of reading and music, tailored to meet your needs.
Discover the Wealth of Knowledge at the Arizona State Library
The Arizona State Library offers a comprehensive suite of services to meet the diverse needs of its community. From extensive research collections, digital resources, and special programs, to support for public libraries and initiatives that preserve Arizona’s rich history and culture, the State Library is a hub of information and learning. Catering to students, researchers, and casual readers alike, the Library provides access to a vast array of materials and expertise. Whether you’re seeking educational resources, exploring Arizona’s heritage, or looking for professional development opportunities, the Arizona State Library is your destination for knowledge and growth.