Niche Academy

Library Resources

Explore our extensive collection of online library resources with Niche Academy’s Library Resources. Discover the power of platforms like Gale, EBSCO, Britannia, Ancestry, and more. Our tutorials provide step-by-step guidance to help you navigate these databases, conduct efficient research, and access valuable information. Uncover historical archives, scholarly journals, genealogy records, and expand your knowledge base with ease using our Library Resources widget.

New & Featured

Discover freshly curated, engaging content designed to enhance your library experience and knowledge. Each tutorial is crafted with you in mind, offering valuable insights and tips for patrons. Start learning something exciting and useful today with these highlighted resources!

Educational Engagement for Families and Friends

Explore ‘Family & Friends’ Fun Learning section! Unveil a collection of delightful and educational tutorials designed for group enjoyment and learning. Whether you’re a family or a group of friends, these resources aim to spark curiosity and foster shared learning experiences. Engage in these captivating tutorials and make learning a joyful group adventure!

Social Media: Tips & Tricks

Level up your social media presence with Niche Academy’s Social Media Tips and Tricks. Our tutorials focus on popular platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, and Twitter. Learn how to navigate, engage, and make the most of these social media platforms. From creating captivating content to connecting with your library’s community, our tutorials will help you enhance your social media skills and effectively utilize these platforms.

Best Practices: Google

Master the Google ecosystem with Niche Academy’s Google: Best Practices. Our tutorials cover Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Forms, Google Photos, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Google Scholar. Gain essential skills for managing emails, collaborating on documents, storing and organizing files, creating surveys, managing photos, performing data analysis, crafting engaging presentations, and exploring scholarly resources. Unlock the full potential of Google’s tools and work smarter with our Google: Best Practices tutorials.

Microsoft Products

Unleash your productivity with Niche Academy’s Microsoft Products. From Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint to other essential tools, our tutorials provide step-by-step guidance. Learn how to create professional documents, analyze data effectively, craft engaging presentations, and optimize your workflow. Stay up-to-date with the latest features and techniques, and empower yourself to excel in your academic or professional pursuits using Microsoft Products.

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